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学名:Matidia spatulata
Male (holotype). Body length 5.54. Carapace length 2.16, width 1.58. Abdomen length 3.38, width 0.92. Carapace greenish yellow, longer than wide, somewhat flattened. Thoracic groove short and shallow. Eyes in two parallel transverse rows, PER wider than AER. Diameters of AME 0.09, ALE 0.12, PME 0.10, PLE 0.12. Length of MOA slightly longer than AW (ratio of MOA-L/AW 1.15), PW longer than AW (ratio of MOA-AW/ PW 0.56). Height of clypeus 0.05. Chelicerae armed with three promarginal and two retromarginal teeth; the distal-most promarginal tooth is closer to the fang-base than that of the retromarginal one (Fig. 29C). Labium greenish yellow, longer than wide. Palpus greenish yellow, with a coiled, ribbon-shaped embolus (Fig. 29A), and a spatulate tibial apophysis widened distally and densely covered with fine denticles on its distal end (Fig. 29B). Leg measurements: I 11.89 (3.09, 4.70, 2.72, 1.38), II 10.04 (2.69, 4.00, 2.19, 1.16), III 6.06 (1.72, 2.09, 1.59, 0.66), IV 10.29 (3.03, 3.25, 3.13, 0.88). Leg formula 1–4–2–3. Abdomen greenish yellow, with a dark green patch between book lungs on venter.